Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Keep your Pet Cool on a Hot Summer Day!

The most important thing you can do for your pet on a hot summer day is give them a constant supply of cool water and a shady spot to rest.  For those really hot days, there are a few more things you can do to protect your pet from  the heat and ensure that they are as comfortable as possible.

Along with adding ice cubes to your pets water dish, you may want to add some frozen fruits and vegetables to their food bowl for them to munch on. My pet rats really enjoy frozen peas and mango slices.

You could also place a fan in the room that your pet stays in.  Just make sure they can't knock it down or have access to the cord for chewing.

I also like to wipe my pets down with a cool, paper towel or washcloth.  You can also "mist" your pet every once in a while with cool water from a spray bottle - just make sure you don't spray them in the eyes though!

For small pets, terracotta pots provide a cool place for them to rest in.  I also like to put frozen water bottles around the pot and other parts of the cage that my rats and hamster like to rest.

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